IPython Notebook + nbviewer

With IPython Notebook + nbviewer  you got a similar functionality to using Rmarkdown + RPubs

You create your markdown documents and then you can access them using nbviewer. Actually in nbviewer you don´t leave any doc, the we justa access your docs which are usually in github



Using Python for data analysis, machine learning

Here is an excellent list of tools from python that you can use for your machine learning projects:


extracted from this reference:

  • NumPy/Scipy You probably know about these already. But let me point out the Cookbook where you can read about many statistical facilities already available and the Example List which is a great reference for functions (including data manipulation and other operations). Another handy reference is John Cook’s Distributions in Scipy.
  • pandas This is a really nice library for working with statistical data — tabular data, time series, panel data. Includes many builtin functions for data summaries, grouping/aggregation, pivoting. Also has a statistics/econometrics library.
  • larry Labeled array that plays nice with NumPy. Provides statistical functions not present in NumPy and good for data manipulation.
  • python-statlib A fairly recent effort which combined a number of scattered statistics libraries. Useful for basic and descriptive statistics if you’re not using NumPy or pandas.
  • statsmodels Statistical modeling: Linear models, GLMs, among others.
  • scikits Statistical and scientific computing packages — notably smoothing, optimization and machine learning.
  • PyMC For your Bayesian/MCMC/hierarchical modeling needs. Highly recommended.
  • PyMix Mixture models.

If speed becomes a problem, consider Theano — used with good success by the deep learning people.

Information for the tools:

For Pandas:


for a short summary on pandas:


For Numpy/Scipy:


For GLM:


Monte Carlo
